Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Body Building Vs Running and an introduction

Hi Everyone. Welcome to my blog. I'm Liz. Here's some background about me. I used to run in high school. I wasn't necessarily the fastest but I was ok. My PR back then was somewhere between 27-28 minutes. Life happened. Somewhere in college and after I sort of lost sight or running. I am not here to make excuses just giving a background. I always wanted to get back into it and realized one day that the only one stopping me was me. So I did a warrior dash. The first one I did was in the summer of 2011, exactly  4 days before my 31st birthday. The hills were brutal. I even jokingly sang happy birthday internally to not think about the hill and realized wait I am almost 31 and I am doing this! It is amazing when you find out you can accomplish more than  you thought possible. Yes that was a crazy race to do as a first race back since h/s but I was glad I did it. Then I figured if I could handle that any 5k would be a piece of cake. They weren't easy. The next couple were very hilly. Ohio is full of hills so most runs here are not easy but they are I worth it. I was so glad to get back into it. My goal was to do about one run a month. I should also mention, I have crohn's. So there will be weeks where I am down and out and can't move due to extreme stomach pain. While this has slowed my progress, I am still running and still love it. Running truly changed my life. I dropped 20 lbs and kept it off. I met the man of my dreams while I was at the gym, a body builder who now runs with me.

So now that I introduced myself... this title is a little misleading. I am not going to say one sport is better than another. It isn't. Well I am biased, I like running but now I am just getting off track and no I am not saying running is better. What made me bring up this topic is that today old navy featured a blog of a body builder wearing their new fitness line. She was torn to shreds on in the comment thread. The runner they posted yesterday did not get all that negativity. Now as I mentioned my boyfriend body builds as does one of my best female friends. No matter what sport, fitness is fitness. If someone is working hard to get fit or stay in shape or to improve their body, then they should be respected not ridiculed regardless of your personal preference. It upset me the way people tore her down and called her names. Simply unacceptable. I am setting up this page as a log of my fitness progress. I started running again last year and am now doing a 13 races in 2013 challenge. I have many exciting races coming up including two warrior dashes, run for  your lives zombie 5k and many many 5ks both virtual and local. But let's keep in mind this space is pro fitness. I respect all sports and anyone looking to improve their health. Personally I probably could afford to do more weights and increase my strength as I aspire to do a tough mudder someday and running alone will never get me there. On the same token the body builders in my life decided adding some cardio is a good choice and have started to run with me. Can't we all get along? Fitness is fitness. :) Keep working. Let's make 2013 our year to shine no matter what your sport.

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